Monday, April 7, 2008

Jonathan Adler's menagerie collection

Jonathan Adler is my hero, an all-round artistic genious with his very own style and attitude...and he has hanging chairs in his home. He also colaborates with Peruvian ceramic makers from an area in Peru dear to me after working as a volunteer there. What a clever guy, those Cuzqueños really know how to make a pot. I'm particularly in love with this whale pitcher but also love his giant horse and giraffe lamp. Check out Jonathan's 10 commandments for a happy chic home... thou shalt play ping pong.

Ross Menuez's wall hangings

I really love Ross Menuez's Balsa wood wall hangings, especially this one available from Design Public. I'd love to have one of these leopards on my bedroom wall ro remind me how amazing mother nature is and how important it is to preserve our world and the amazing animals we share it with... buy someone a goat as an unusual gift to help save Snow leopards in Mongolia thanks to the World wide fund for nature's campaign. Weird but wonderful.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Urna Bios

I really love the idea of being reincarnated as a tree...and then perhaps made into a beautiful side-board! Bios Urn is a funeral urn made of biodegradable materials which has a tree seed incorporated so when the urn is planted, the seed germinates and is fertilised by the ashes it contains.

I dig the idea of forests instead of cemetaries and being able to choose your tree. As morbid as it may seem, if you, like I, want to be a tree some day, make sure you give your nearest and dearest advance warning so they know what to do when the time comes. The latest design is the result of a collaboration between two spanish designers, Azua and Moliné. Find out more here.

Imagine life without lightbulbs... they've profoundly changed human existence since they were invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison. The original design hasn't changed that much in 130 years but I really love these big round ones by Patrick Townsend for Areaware, I love their organic shape.